Five Minute Friday: TOGETHER

Challenge:  To write for 5 minutes, unedited love for the word given.  This week the topic is:  TOGETHER
Lisa Jo Baker’s site is awesome at encouraging mom’s! Check her out!  I also agree with her that being a mom should come with a superhero cape! 🙂

So here it goes….


People are designed to need companionship with others.  From the beginning of time, since Adam and Eve, people have the need to be together.

God created us to be together. When I married my husband I made a commitment to him and to God that I would join him together in marriage.

We have experienced the highs and the lows of marriage in the last 13 years. Those moments where we’re scraping by and counting coins to buy a gallon of milk.  Not knowing where our house payment was going to come from. Then seeing God show up and provide in ways that we can’t explain.

Oh, and those great moments where the pregnancy tests has been positive!

Then together we have welcomed three of the sweetest boys into this world. We became parents together. We’ve had sleepless nights, bottle feedings and diaper changes together. Staying up all night with a sick child. Watching them take their first steps. Hearing them say their first words. Seeing them grow and turning into young men.

Now, as a family of five we live life together.

We have the honor of seeing our kids learn new things everyday in school. We go together to ballgames and cheer on whichever kid is playing at the time.  We sit down together at the table to eat dinner, where we discuss our day and just laugh together. (There is always someone releasing themselves of a bodily function!) 🙂

Most importantly, we try to serve the Lord and grow in Him together. Bible study, worship, and just praising Him throughout the day.

I’m thankful for relationships that allow me to be together with other people.  I need these people in my life. I desire to be with other people that push me in my walk with God. Those that make me want to be closer to Jesus. People that love me despite all my flaws and shortcomings. Those that just enjoy being together with me.

As much as I love and enjoy, and sometimes need time alone, I am most happy when I’m together with those that I love.

There is nothing in this world like being surrounded by three boys that I adore, and a husband that I love deeply.

I love being together!


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